Cold Weather Companions: Dog Breeds That Love Snow

Cold Weather Companions: Dog Breeds That Love Snow

While some dogs dread being outside on cold, snowy days, other breeds are in their element. If you love winter and are looking for a pup who appreciates snow as much as you do, you’ll want a breed built for cold weather. Here are several dog breeds that make the perfect cold-weather companions!

Siberian Husky

When you think about dogs that thrive in the snow, the Siberian Husky is likely one of the first breeds that comes to mind. This breed was originally bred to be sled dogs in Siberia, where they transported passengers through the Arctic. Today, Siberian Huskies still have an impressive ability to handle freezing temperatures and snowy conditions. Their thick, double coat of fur keeps them warm during any winter activities.

Siberian Huskies have an energetic, playful nature that makes them great companions for outdoor adventures. Whether you’re sledding, hiking, or just taking a winter stroll, these friendly dogs will be happy to be alongside you. However, keep in mind that these high-energy pups need plenty of daily exercise to stay happy.

Great Pyrenees

Great Pyrenees dogs are perfectly equipped for snowy climates, thanks to their natural love for snow. These dogs were originally bred to guard livestock and protect sheep from predators in harsh, cold environments. Their double coat is snow-colored, which is why many owners compare these pups to polar bears. Great Pyrenees’ thick coats allow them to thrive in freezing temperatures and blend into winter landscapes.

Despite their large size, Great Pyrenees are known for their gentle and calm nature, which sets them apart from many other guard dog breeds. They are incredibly loyal and protective, making them excellent guardians for families, especially those with children. While they have a strong instinct to protect, they are also low-maintenance, easy-going dogs that require minimal grooming.

Saint Bernard

Saint Bernards come from the Swiss Alps, where they were trained to trek miles through deep snow, searching for lost or stranded travelers. Their thick frames and dense coats keep them warm for hours, making them perfectly suited for cold climates. They have the strength and endurance to push through deep snow, making them perfect cold-weather companions.

Though they are well-known for their ability to help in mountain rescues, they are also known for their calm and affectionate personalities. Saint Bernards are known for being gentle giants, making them the ideal companions for cozying up next to you on chilly winter nights. This breed is both a hardy winter-weather companion and a loyal and loving friend!

Shiba Inu

Shiba Inus, while small in stature, are surprisingly well-equipped for snowy weather. Their fox-like appearance, erect ears, and thick double coats help them to handle colder temperatures. This breed originates from Japan, where they were originally used for hunting in the mountains. They often hunted in cold weather, so these pups were no strangers to snowy conditions.

Despite their small size, Shiba Inus are known for being independent, strong-willed, and active. They enjoy playing in the snow and love to play and exert energy. Just make sure to keep an eye on them, as their adventurous nature means they could wander off if not supervised closely.

Bernese Mountain Dog

The Bernese Mountain Dog is another breed that thrives in snow, thanks to its thick fur and sturdy build. This breed originated in the Swiss Alps, where they were bred to work as farm dogs in cold climates. There, they were often used to pull carts and herd livestock in snowy weather.

Bernese Mountain Dogs have thick coats that provide insulation against the cold, and their muscular bodies allow them to move easily through snow. Don’t let their size fool you—Bernese Mountain Dogs are calm, affectionate, and great family pets. They love playing in the snow with their human companions just as much as they enjoy snuggling up on the couch with family.


Samoyeds are as adorable as they are resilient. These dogs are more than just cute; they’re built to thrive in snowy environments. This breed is originally from Siberia, where they were bred to herd reindeer and pull sleds in freezing temperatures. Their thick, double-layered coats provide excellent insulation, allowing them to stay warm even in the harshest winter conditions. Samoyeds are friendly, playful, and affectionate dogs who love being active and spending time outdoors. If you enjoy spending time in the snow, a Samoyed is the perfect partner.

If you’re looking for a dog that can keep up with your winter adventures, these breeds are some of the best companions you could ask for. These breeds have unique qualities that make them well-suited to snowy conditions, so they’ll stick by your side all winter long!

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